Life & Technology

Handful lessons in different areas of technology and life in general.

Monthly Archives: October 2008

Simplify your IM experience with Pidgin

Although I already heard of this Instant Messaging application (much like Trillian) since 2006, I haven’t actually tried to install and main_ui use this, mainly because I seldom use multiple instant messengers in my PC. I still prefer to use Yahoo Messenger over MSN IM. But the world of Instant messaging changed and improved a lot. Once noticeable improvement is the ability for collaborating/integrating all your accounts and just use a single Messenger! Big players already started this and the response is really really good. I can now use and see my contacts from other messengers like Yahoo, MSN, etc.

So why do I use Pidgin instead of those already available? Answer: Simple yet powerful.

Simple and intuitive interface makes me feel at home. Multiple messenger protocol supported which I think a very powerful feature. Imagine communicating your Sametalk contacts to GTalk contacts! And also the best feature is the tabbed approach for conversations.


I’m very very happy using this as my default Instant Messaging application.

Pidgin is distributed as Open Source so you can extend the functionality whenever the need arises or you can just collaborate to other developers to make this application every better.

Learn more about Pidgin at

Generating SQL scripts to multiple tables in SQL Server 2005

Just now, I face on the task of creating an SQL query that will be executed on 20 tables. This is very tedious if we try to manually input the table name every after query execution. Luckily, SQL Server have a table named Information_Schema.TABLES that can output table names on the current database!

So, my query to generate a script for all the tables, I just hit this query to the window:

   1: SELECT 'drop table ' + table_name
   2: FROM Information_Schema.TABLES
   3: WHERE table_name NOT IN ('cleanvoters', 'DuplicateVoters', 'IncompleteVoters')


   1: drop table Caloocan1st
   2: drop table Caloocan2nd
   3: drop table LasPinas
   4: drop table Makati1st
   5: drop table Makati2nd
   6: drop table Malabon
   7: drop table Mandaluyong
   8: drop table Manila1st

So easy and very handy script.